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Fairfield CT - Texting While Driving Accident Lawyer

Being in a texting while driving-accident is frustrating, scary, and upsetting. It is an accident that was completely preventable if the correct measures were taken. You may be nervous about what may follow this accident, including medical bills and damage fees, and whether you need a texting-while-driving lawyer. This article can help you about what may follow after a texting while driving accident. At the Brill Law Group, our team of car accident lawyers is ready to assist you and make a stressful experience as stress free and successful as possible. 

Fairfield CT – Texting While Driving Accident Lawyer

Texting while driving is a hazardous behavior that can cause harm to yourself and others. Texting while driving involves using your cell phone to call, text, email, or scroll through social media. This is an extreme distraction on the road and is illegal in many states around America, including Connecticut. You and others must understand the risks, before deciding to take out your cell phone while operating your vehicle.  If you have questions about the rules surrounding texting while driving, do not hesitate to contact a Fairfield personal injury lawyer.

 The Consequences of Texting While Driving in Fairfield, CT

With texting while driving being illegal in the state of Connecticut, there are numerous consequences after being in a texting-while-driving accident in Fairfield, CT. Learn more about distracted driving, as well as its impact and consequences. Examples of consequences you may experience are:

  • Fines – Depending on how many times you have been caught texting and driving, you may face fines up to $150.00 or greater. 
  • Points on your Driving Record – You may receive a verbal warning, but sometimes you may not be as lucky, and receive tickets or points on your record. After a certain number of points, you could face license suspensions or other consequences.
  • Increased Insurance Premiums – Car accidents often result in increases in your insurance premiums, and being convicted of texting while driving is similar as it is also a risk to the road. 
  • Criminal Charges – Texting and driving is extremely dangerous, and can unfortunately result in extreme injuries, damages, and even death which could ultimately lead to greater charges, or jail time. 

 Steps to Take After a Texting While Driving Accident

Texting while driving is extremely distracting, and a risky behavior. Unfortunately, they are extremely common today between both young and old drivers. With how frequent texting while driving accidents are, it is important that you know what you should do after being in this type of accident in Fairfield, CT. 

  1. Check for safety. – Make sure that you and any other members of your vehicle are not experiencing any injuries. If necessary, it is important that you call 911 immediately to assess any injuries and get the help you may need. 
  2. Move to safety. – If possible, move your vehicle and the impacted vehicle out of traffic. Make sure they are not in direct traffic, and that it is safe for you to exit the vehicle if you are able. 
  3. Call the local police department. – It is important that you call the  Fairfield Police Department to report your accident, and have an officer and other personnel on-site.
  4. Obtain evidence. – Be sure to take plenty of pictures of the damages caused to the vehicle(s), as well as talking to witnesses of the accident.  
  5. Exchange information. – Exchange insurance information, as well as contact information with the other party involved in the collision.
  6. Notify your insurance company. – Be sure to let your insurance company know of the accident as soon as possible, and include all the evidence you have gathered. The longer you wait, the longer your settlement may take.
  7. Go see a doctor. – Even if you believe that you do not have any injuries, it is still good to follow up with a doctor to be sure. 
  8. Discuss with texting while driving accident lawyer. – The Brill Law Group is able to guide you through the confusion of insurance claims, answering questions, maximizing your settlement, and minimizing your stress.

What Injuries May Result from a Texting While Driving Accident?

Though using your phone while driving seems like an innocent offense, it can have dangerous repercussions that you might not have expected. Some of these repercussions include minor to severe injuries. Examples of injuries that you and others may experience are:

  • Broken Bones – Depending on the impact of the accident, you may break bones in your legs, arms, ribs, or even collarbone.
  • Whiplash – Whiplash involves an aggressive motion from your neck and head, typically caused by a jolting action. Learn more about whiplash and its symptoms from the Mayo Clinic.
  • Head Trauma – The impact of hitting another vehicle, or being hit is traumatic and unexpected. You may potentially hit your head on the steering wheel, headrest, or the airbag which could result in concussions or internal hemorrhaging.  
  • Minor Injuries – You may be fortunate enough to not experience life-threatening injuries, but you may also experience pain such as soreness, or strain to a variety of muscles and ligaments.
  • Emotional Trauma – Being in any kind of accident is frightening and anxiety provoking which may result in psychological trauma such as PTSD or emotional distress.

 How Can a Fairfield Texting While Driving Accident Lawyer Help You?

The legal team here at the Brill Law Group is ready to tackle your texting while driving accident, as well as your personal injuries. We are here to answer any questions you may have regarding your rights, your insurance claims, and more. We can also provide you with legal guidance and representation, with no fees unless we win! Our goal is to make this confusing process of handling a vehicle accident as stress free and simple as possible while providing you with maximum compensation and satisfaction.

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