Brill Law Group Website Disclaimer
Last updated January 18, 2024
The Brill Law Group website disclaimer and the website mentioned contain General Information, Not Legal Advice.
This website is designed to provide general information. It is published with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author of the websiteโs content is engaged in rendering legal, medical, or other professional services or advice to the reader. If legal advice, medical care, or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
The advice and strategies in this Brill Law Group website disclaimer contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising from the readerโs use of or reliance on its materials. As this publication is not intended as legal advice, any use of this information will not create an attorney-client relationship.
Every Case Is Different Detailed in Brill Law Group Website Disclaimer
It is important to note that every case comes with its own set of unique facts and that the material published on this site may not apply to your specific circumstances. The verdicts and settlements discussed on this website are unique to the cases involved and do not guarantee future performance. No one should develop an expectation that the same or similar results could be obtained in their case.
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Communication by you via this web site does not establish an attorney-client relationship with The Brill Law Group. Our professional obligations require that before accepting any new client, we must determine whether or not there are any actual or potential conflicts with any of our existing or former clients. If you wish to inquire into becoming a client of the firm, please request a personal interview. Any communications through this website is not protected by the attorney-client relationship. No attorney-client relationship is created by sending any communications through this website, nor are you a client of The Brill Law Group because you send any such communications.